RecyClass certification according to UNE-EN 15343:2008

January 2025 - we have successfully had our ECO-R-PET films certified by RecyClass. We can now guarantee certified processes and mass balances according to UNE-EN 15343:2008.

100 % green energy from renewable sources

Since July 2023 we manufacture our products with 100% energy from renewable sources. We are thus making another important contribution to climate protection. You can find out more about sustainability at Folienwerk Wolfen at sustainability.

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Innovative through Research

This year again, the Donors' Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany honours our research activities with the seal of approval "Innovative through Research".

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ERDF supports again a research project of our company.

Research project of our company is supported continuously by grants from the ERDF, the European Regional Development Fund. In the period from 1. July 2019 to 31. March 2022, we are carrying out a research project entitled "Development of novel laminating films for glass laminates with special optical, thermal and mechanical properties, and research on suitable, selective test methods for demanding environmental conditions". The Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS, with which we have a long-standing research co-operation, is again on board as a co-operation partner. The Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg (OvGU) has won as a new project partner for the project. The main research topics in the project focus on the targeted influences of optical effects, investigations into weathering resistance as well as developments for possible weight reductions of lamination films, which results in the final product.

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25 years of Folienwerk Wolfen!

2016 is a particularly special year for Folienwerk Wolfen!

In addition to the completion of our new production hall we are looking back at 25 successful years of business.

An anniversary that would not have been possible without the energy and daily support of all our employees.

We look forward to the challenges that lie ahead and are looking confidently to the future.

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Unique. Customer-specific. Sustainable.